
As a member of Sherbrooke U3A you are entitled to enrol in courses throughout the year. Your membership fee covers the cost of courses. Small extra charges for materials sometimes apply.

Membership is per calendar year and must be renewed each year.

Registration for 2024 Membership and Enrolment in Classes

On-going members  can enrol in activities from Monday 11th December 2023, after payment of subscription.

New members will first need to register for Membership. New members can enrol in activities from Monday 11th December 2023 after payment of subscription.

A wide variety of classes is offered.  Anyone enrolling in a class after it is full will be placed on a waiting list and will be taken into the class when a vacancy occurs.

Membership Types

New Full MembersJanuary to December$50.00
New Full MembersJuly to December$25.00
Combined Shire of Yarra Ranges U3A MembersOnce you are a full financial member of any U3A in the Yarra Ranges, you may become a guest member of the Combined U3As of the Shire of Yarra Ranges (CU3ASYR), which will entitle you to attend classes at the other U3As$0.00
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How to join or renew your membership

People who wish to join Sherbrooke U3A  go to Member Join, and on-going members who wish to renew go to Member Login page.

If you prefer to join or renew in writing, please click here to open and print the Member Registration form, or pick one up from the office. Post or hand your completed form to the office staff during office hours.

Open the Courses page to see our Courses and Activities timetable.